Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eating Out On A Diet- You CAN Do It!

These days, our world is very fast paced, and many of us are frequently eating out at restaurants and the like. You don't have to starve yourself because of a business meeting at a restaurant, or a lunch date with friends. I eat out all the time, and I follow only one simple rule. Truthfully, it's a rule that I follow at home as well. I learned it from my cousin many years ago, and try to follow this sage advice. Are you ready?
When Eating Out At Restaurants, Eat Only Half Your Meal. Save The Other Half For Lunch The Next Day.
This sounds overly simplistic, but I assure you it's not. Most of the time when we go to out to dinner especially, we are eating things like pastas with cream sauces, breads, steaks, etc. These meals are very high in calories. 
Science has proven that from about noon on, your body is starting a slow shut down in preparation for the coming evening and night. When you consume large amounts of calories late in the evening, your body can NOT digest these, and it turns almost instantly into fat. 
If you can cut by half, what you eat, then your body won't be generating as much fat stores while sleep that night. You should always, try to be as strict as possible, make your largest meal of the day breakfast or lunch. Your smallest meal should always be dinner.
Adelle Davis once said:
"Eat Like A King For Breakfast, A Prince For Lunch, And A Pauper For Dinner."
That is great advice to follow. So, for those of you who have no choice but to eat out, remember to simply eat only half of your meal in one sitting. Take the rest home for lunch the next day. It makes it easy on you when trying to figure out what to do for lunch, and I guarantee your body will thank you for it!

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